Sunday 10 November 2019

Freedom is about Being Responsible

Freedom = Responsibility

We all long for FREEDOM, which signifies power to be self-independent or not being governed by anyone. As a child we are told by our parents, you do what you like when you grow up. To a girl, she’s told you do all that after you get married. In our teens we are told, get good percentage in your Board Exams and then you are free to do what you wish. Haven’t we all heard this at some point in our life…haven’t us as parents too done or said the same?

What are we doing here… we are hanging that carrot to “do what you wish to” after you achieve a
certain criteria, and when one achieves, they start believing that now they have the license to do what they wish to cause that's what was communicated to them/ were tutored to and so that freedom is like breaking the chains of captivity. Just a small detour before I come back. So we agree that we (read parents or teachers or mentors), one way or the other, were clipping or restricting the other from being or doing what they wanted to and which you did believe is not bad or not wrong but it did not fit into your “agreed notions of life”, hence believed and made your child believe that they are in captivity….think about it.

We all know, to gain or achieve something/anything, one has to work or strive for (no free lunches). The lust for that freedom just envelops us emotionally to such a great extent that we, many-a-times can’t figure out the difference between right vs. wrong, because the lure to this freedom becomes so strong that we start believing into, once achieved, we are the ‘Queen/King’ and can do what we wish to. That's where the value of Freedom starts its southward journey.

Let’s look at the macro world. Our forefathers fought for our country’s freedom with a vision of a better tomorrow for us. Their only purpose was Purna Swaraj or Complete Freedom and yes, we did achieve it after paying a HUGE price… price which we all are still paying. But that's not what I want to talk here today. We achieved this freedom where we can call our country as our country. But, typical human nature, we forget quickly how this freedom came to us, we forget the struggles, hardships and sacrifices which we can’t even account for. Today, this free country is being taken for granted and whoever has the might, which in other words is power, whether this power is of muscular strength or political or money or powers bestowed upon by government office, is being misused. This power of freedom has led to make these people believe that they are the rulers, or worst, God themselves and can do what they wish to. Okay am not going into details of misuse of this power and make this a political write up, but more on small and everyday actions, and let me just take one example, Road. Besides the conditions of our roads, again a topic we not discussing today, people think it is their private property and would park their vehicle (big or small, two wheeler to multi-wheeler) wherever they apply brakes, regardless or should I say immune to what traffic disruption they are causing. Even if they not causing any traffic snarls, is it right to do so?

Footpaths or pedestrians, last I knew that the concept of footpaths was for pedestrian walking, but just like our once iconic and famous milestones and fire hydrants, they too are fast disappearing, first by encroachments of slums then extension of shops and now finally the municipalities don't think them necessary. So coming back to roads, just because there is no cop at the signal, are we allowed to break/jump the signal, are we kids in school who need a teacher to be disciplined. Secondly, why don’t the traffic cops stay at the signal to prevent the crime from happening. Why do they hide themselves few meters away from the signal and wait for the vehicle to jump the signal and then catch them? Prevent the crime from happening. What is the point of catching them after a traffic chaos or accident happened where people got injured? Isn’t this preventable, then why don't they? So, stop this money raking in the pretext of controlling unruly riders and drivers. 

The other are the lanes and tracks on roads, one we don't follow or know the meaning of these lanes (solid and broken lines) and tracks (white and yellow)… surprise surprise, I have come across cops who themselves are not clear with the definition of these lanes and tracks. Did you know that there is a calculated logic/science involved in these lanes and tracks in terms of their length and width of lanes and tracks and where which should b?. Okay so there is an even worst case now-a-days, well there are just no lanes or tracks left at so many places in cities… so that means its free for all or left to an individual to make their own judgement.
Hmm, what happens when we see murphy’s law playing on us; when traffic on our side is moving at snail pace while opposite side is rabbit running, no wild guesses here, we do what we do when we stand in ticket or bill payment lines, we just jump on the opposite side (we all are dare-devils) and start driving/riding in opposite direction and mind you, dare anyone, forget stop us, they can’t even stare or correct us… For God’s sake it's a free country, I am allowed to do what I wish to.

Lo behold, we do have ‘zebra-crossings’ too… what’s that… I remember them as a kid, oh ya there is that ‘Stop’ line too before the zebra-crossing. Oops did I just commit a sin by mentioning these two. Does anyone remember them and know what they mean…naah, cause when I try reasoning with drivers and riders about these two, either I get dirty looks or question mark on their faces or just plain few abusive words or worst, am pointed towards the cop who is too eager to jump the signal himself.

So why all this, just because we are a free country and this freedom has been given to us by our forefathers and we have done zilch to achieve or earn it.

Freedom… Freedom comes with a price, yes it does, but it also comes with a RESPONSIBILITY, because freedom is power and power is dangerous, if not used properly. Just like technology, if not tamed and kept under control, then humans become slaves to technology.

Am just to touching upon few, My City/Country is my…;
1. The illegal hoardings to beautify our city/country is my big private room; I am free to put up posters just anywhere.
2. The processions in the name of just anything and take on the streets blocking just everything and trying to prove mightier than other. Worst, the municipality gives permission and they get police protection city/country is my private garden, I am free to march just anywhere.
3. Spitting just anything from their mouth, if nothing then just plain saliva will also do... my city/country is my big spittoon, I am free to spit just anywhere.
4. city/country is my big garbage bin; I am free to litter just anywhere.

In the end, I just want to say… we got this freedom after centuries of fights and sacrifices, let’s use our freedom responsibly.

Friday 1 November 2019

Why Sex is a full-stop for golden-age people?


Yeah that word definitely catches maximum attention, and now that I have of yours, let me in this blog post talk about bit of a controversial and bit of a taboo topic.

Is Sex important?
Is Sex the only thing in a relationship
Does Sex help improve ones relationship
How satisfying is Sex
Etc Etc Etc.

Well, no am not gonna discuss about any of these here... am no Sex guru.

Let me change course a bit and talk about our parents and grandparents, I call them golden-age
people... people who lost their life-partner, are amongst us and are being made to live as a dependent, debarred from wishes of their own, all in the name of retired life. But in fact they are being made to live a life, which their children and grandchildren want them to lead...why? Why this sudden change, just because now these golden-era people are no longer the earning members or they are not upbeat with so-called changing times and technological advancements? Rubbish (sic).

I say that life begins yet again after 60 or 65 and they should have all the right to live life king/queen size. 

So what if their life-partner could not fulfill their promise and left early. Life is to be lived and if one partner left, then go ahead and find another. And hell no it is nothing to do with love lost for your life-partner, or how can I at this age, or about Sex...well yes it can definitely be for sex too and why not. Till there is breath and body is alive, your pituitary glands working, why suppress that emotion and feeling. I say go ahead and find a new partner who can be your partner for the rest of your life in the form of a spouse or just a live-in companion.

Golden years are more important to have your partner for multiple reasons and why should anyone shy away from living their life. 

You lived your carefree life when you were younger. And as we speak, your children / grandchildren too are defying the laws of society in some way or other. If society allows younger generation to remarry, then why stop for golden-era people.

And who is going to remember and for how long, and how does that affect you by what the other person (family, friends or society) thinks of this equation... I say to hell with it. Just go ahead and enjoy your life, cause this is your life and its just you who will decide what you wish to do or how you wish to lead your life.

Our golden-era people, who are otherwise considered by many as burden (not for all) on younger
generation and are expected to lead a non-entertaining life, taking care of grandchildren, expected to instill values (but not accepted by their own children, calling them old-age value system while the world has changed and they don't know), pray and go on pilgrimages, keep an eye on safeguarding the house etc. Why? Why should they be tied down with these old time thinking.

When silver-haired people are running global countries, then why cant they lead a life of today.

To all our Silver-Haired | Golden Era People... go ahead live your life...stop worrying about others... find a companion...stay with the world....and yes have sex too with them.

Have Life...Will Live.