Thursday 23 April 2020

Milk: How Pure Has The Milk Been Which We Have Consumed For Years


Today, while having my morning Tea, actually while adding milk to my morning tea, thought crossed my mind.
During this lockdown;
  1. All sweet and confectionary shops are shut
  2. All restaurants are shut
  3. All cafes, including roadside tea stalls are shut
  4. Local chaat shops are also shut
  5. No public gatherings, celebrations of any sort, weddings, religious functions etc are happening

If none of the above is happening, then thousands of litres of milk which was being used / consumed everyday at these places, where is that going?
Personal consumption remains the same (or marginal difference if at all). But the commercial consumption has practically come to zero.

Besides, Milk is something which we neither can store for so many weeks nor can it’s production, which is through Cows and Buffalos can be stopped or reduced.  

So the milk consumption which had been so phenomenally high, were we receiving PURE MILK, in other words, all these years, were we drinking or consuming PURE MILK?

Thought to ponder? 

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