Thursday 12 September 2019

Artificial Intelligence... Can Intelligence get Artificial?

Artificial Intelligence is nothing but Aided Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence; one of the definition states that “It is the study of how to train the computers so that computers can do things, which at present human can do better.”
Let us try to understand this little better. What does Artificial mean? It refers to something which is made by human or something which is not natural or is fake like artificial flowers. Intelligence means an ability to think or understandprocess or reason it and then act or react to a situation.

Hence, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is fake or defined (programmed) action or reaction to a situation bases some algorithms. But what a common man perceives AI is that it is the intelligence of a computer to think and act like a Human Brain. 
According to me this is wrong. This is Aided Intelligence or Programmed Intelligence or just a Smarter Computing Device. An Artificial Intelligence in true sense will be when we input or feed our brain with information / data through other sources where we do not use any of our 5-senses. The input of information to our brain is transferred artificially, like we scan a document and then transfer the information of data of that document through radio waves directly into temporary or semi-permanent or permanent memory of human brain area. Very similar to how we send emails or text messages from our computers or handheld devices, but here the recipient is a human brain. This in true sense is called Artificial Intelligence.

Building this device, which can help achieve Artificial Intelligence is not difficult or challenging. We need a scanning device that scans the data, stores in its memory, and on being transferred to human brain, converts the data into neurons or code in which human brain understands and stores the data. The only challenging part is knowing or decoding the brain code and converting the data into that code on being transferred. Depending on length of time one wants to retain this particular data, the data transfer happens to that part of the brain memory: temporary, semi-permanent or permanent memory.

#ArtificialIntelligence, #AI, #Artificial, #Intelligence, #Aided, #Fake, #Brain, #Human, #Memory, #Data, #Programmed, #Computer, #Natural, #Code, #Smart

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